

Cost of living in Yerevan, Armenia

14:27, Friday, 25 May, 2018
Cost of living in Yerevan, Armenia

     Armenia is a country where you can live not having much money as everything is cheap in Armenia. In order to know more about the cost of living, we offer you to have a look at some aspects, such as prices of food, transportation, house rentals and so on.

Life in Armenia today: Prices of food in Armenia

Here is a list of some food:

Milk (1 liter) 422.31 AMD

A loaf of White Bread (500g) 245.33 AMD

Rice (1kg) 562.31 AMD

Eggs (12) 785.00 AMD

Cheese (1kg) 2, 141.67 AMD

Chicken Breasts (1kg) 2, 194.29 AMD

Beef (1kg) 2, 932.14 AMD

Apples (1kg) 514.12 AMD

Banana (1kg) 762.86 AMD

Oranges (1kg) 631.54 AMD

Tomato (1kg) 508.53 AMD

Potato (1kg) 233.33 AMD

Onion (1kg) 266.92 AMD

Lettuce (1 head) 145.56 AMD

Water (1.5-liter bottle although you can drink from a tap) 250.00 AMD

Wine 2, 500.00 AMD

Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 440.00 AMD

Cigarettes (Marlboro) 600.00 AMD

Living and working in Armenia

Living in Armenia is not very hard when you have a job, as the prices are according to the average salary of the workers. For the tourists, the prices are rather cheap compared to the prices in Europe.

The average salary in Armenia

The average monthly salary without taxes is 189.9 thousand drams. The average salary of the private sector workers is nearly 226.4 thousand drams, and the employees of the state system - 159.5 thousand drams. The highest salary is by specialists in finance, information, and telecommunication technologies workers.

Yerevan Public Transport Prices: Transportation

We represent to your attention the prices of the public transportation.

Public Transport one-way ticket 100.00 AMD

Taxi Starts 600.00 AMD

Taxi 1km 100.00 AMD

Metro one-way ticket 100.00 AMD

Car Rental 40.000 AMD

It is not so difficult to live in Armenia on a low salary of European citizens, as the prices are low in Armenia compared to the ones in Europe. So hurry up to visit Armenia and have a good time at low prices.

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