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Valentine's day in Armenia at Golden Palace Hotel

16:14, çarşamba, 23 оcak, 2019
Valentine's day in Armenia at Golden Palace Hotel

     Valentine's Day has long been a favourite holiday of young people all over the world, but in Armenia, the overseas holiday has national traditions. In Armenia, in mid-February, there are two church holidays, directly related to the patronage of the lover - Trndez and Surb Sargis.

Trndez – a feast of purification in Armenia

On February 13, fires are lit throughout Armenia. Young lovers and newly married young couples jump over it first, and then all the rest. This tradition is called Trndez (Tiyarnndarach, which literally means "welcoming the Lord!"), or the feast of the Presentation of the Lord (the dedication of the 40-day baby Christ to the Jerusalem church) .

According to the law of Moses, a woman who gave birth to a male child was forbidden to enter the temple of God for 40 days. After this period, the mother came to the temple with the baby to offer the Lord a thankful and cleansing sacrifice and receive the blessing from the priest.


In order to preserve the pagan origin of the tradition of jumping over the fire, the Armenian Apostolic Church gave another meaning to this action.

The Divine Liturgy is served in all Armenian churches, after which the blessing of candles takes place. Then a fire is made out of the blessed fire in the courtyard of the churches. Today the fire is lit as a symbol of Christ’s light.

According to the tradition, the flame of the fire acquires special energy, removing all evil and bringing fertility and well-being to the newlyweds. Both old and young carry the blessed fire home from the churches.

St. Sargis – the feast of lovers in Armenia

The holiday of the holy commander Sargis, one of the beloved saints of Armenians, is considered to be the Day of the blessing of the young. Together with his son Martiros and fourteen soldiers he died in the name of the Christian faith.

On the night before the feast of St. Sargis young and single people eat a salty cake ("Aghi Blit" in Armenian), after that, they do not drink water and go to sleep expecting to see their future husband or wife bringing water in their dream.

Armenians also put a plate with flour at the entrance of the house or on the balcony, and if in the morning there is a horseshoe imprint on it, it means that Saint Sargis himself came on his white horse to give his blessing to the boys or girls.


Where to stay in Armenia?

If you are searching for a fantastic hotel in the heart of Armenia, then Golden Palace Hotel is ready to welcome you! Stay at Golden Palace hotel Yerevan in the Northern Avenue and be in the centre of all the events happening in the city on these days!

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