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Innovative solutions for agrivoltaics by Iberdrola

12:28, pazartesi, 31 mayıs, 2021
Innovative solutions for agrivoltaics by Iberdrola

Costs, technical sophistication, crop diversity, and degree of digitization, among other factors, will be used to assess agrivoltaic projects and solutions, according to the Spanish utility.

Iberdrola, a Spanish energy firm, has launched Perseo, an international start-up initiative aimed at finding competitive and groundbreaking solutions for combining solar photovoltaic plants with agricultural, horticulture, livestock, fish farming, or beekeeping activities.

Projects and solutions will be evaluated based on costs, technical maturity, crop diversity, and digitization level, among other factors, according to the company.

The winner of the competition will receive funding to design and create their projects.

Iberdrola will also provide logistical support for the winning solution, including access to facilities, teams, infrastructures, high-tech sites, and co-working spaces.

Interested developers will have until November 6 to apply their proposals.

In Spain, Iberdrola is investing extensively in large-scale PV and green hydrogen.

Kaynak: solaron.am
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