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Сегодня:  Вторник, 16 Апреля, 2024 года


Armenian lavender Oil

Miss Fidora
Miss Fidora
21:22, Понедельник, 02 Сентября, 2019 года
Armenian lavender Oil

Lavender oil natural health benefits anxiety insomnia period pain

An old folk remedy for insomnia is to sleep on a pillow stuffed with lavender flowers. Research has confirmed that lavender oil is an effective sleep aid.

It seems to work by slowing the activity of the central nervous system. Inhaling the scent of lavender has a relaxing, soothing effect which can also help improve symptoms of anxiety.

The scent of lavender has even been used to calm fearful patients in dentists’ waiting rooms. Lavender oil also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that allow it to be used as an effective pain reliever.
     #armenianlavender #armenianoil #armenianlavenderoil #lavenderoil

Источник: facebook.com/fidorafito
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